Saturday 31 January 2015

Very Funny - ROFL Jokes

1.Money can't buy happiness, but its more comfortable to cry in a BMW than on a bicycle.

2.Forgive your enemy, but remember that idiot's name:D.

3.Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is in trouble again. 

4.Many people are alive only because its illegal to shoot them.

5.Alcohol doesn't solve any problem,but neither does juice***.

6.Smoking kills, but if you don't smoke, doesn't mean you'll never die!!!.

7.One day my wife's credit card got stolen.. what a relief it was to find that the thief spends less than my wife!

8.Me and my wife lived happily for twenty years.... then we met.

9.If you want your wife to listen to you, then talk to another woman; she will be all ears.

10.She ran after the garbage truck, yelling, “Am I too
late for the garbage?”
Following her down the street I yelled, “No, jump in"..

11.We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.

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